Scoring with ActivityPro: Understanding the Quality of Your Resident’s Engagement

At ActivityPro, we care deeply about giving you the ability to accurately track the quality of resident engagement in your programs. This is why we use the 3,2,1 scoring system rather than assigning residents as “Active/Passive” or “Present/Absent”.

By giving residents a number score, you can do so much more with the data than simply tracking the number of times a resident attends a program.

You can create average scores over time, allowing you to see if a resident is trending in any direction. This can be viewed as a whole, or you can look at individual domains, or even average scores in a specific program over time.

What this means is that you can make better programming decisions and suggestions for your residents providing truly person-centered care.

Working with scores also gives you and your department the evidence you need to support your position that certain residents will benefit from alternate programs, when talking to families, or discussing resident care needs with other staff.

Before you start scoring, make sure you know your program’s expected outcomes. In other words, what do you want to observe residents doing while you’re running the program? Expected outcomes can be set within the activity profile, so they will automatically appear whenever you go to run that program.

Based on these expected outcomes, you can give your residents a score:

  • 3 – A high level of engagement; use if the resident was able to do more than 2/3rds of your expected outcomes during the program.
  • 2 – A moderate level of engagement; use if the resident was able to do between 1/3rd and 2/3rds of your expected outcomes during the program.
  • 1 – A low level of engagement; use if the resident was able to do less than 1/3rd of your expected outcomes during the program.
  • A – Absent; use if you went to find the resident, but could not find them.
  • S – Sick; use if you went to encourage the resident to participate, but they were not feeling well enough to join the program.
  • SL – Sleeping; use if you went to encourage the resident to participate, but they were sleeping.
  • C – Choose not to attend; use if you went to encourage the resident to participate, but they informed you they did not want to attend.

NOTES – We encourage you to note by exception. In other words, record a note if you observed something out of the ordinary. For example, if a resident who normally scores a 3 in the program, but scored a 1 on that day, make a note. Also, enter the reason the resident chose not to attend the program, or perhaps where they were when you recorded Absent.

Join us for a live online demo to learn more about ActivityPro’s unique approach and how it will directly benefit your home and your residents.

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